pimpcoatbankai Aug 06, 2010 07:00
pure and maidenly, ~crimson, ~koi, ~blood, ~sniper, ~asuka, 何だ。。。?, ~cloud, oh god why, virgin for life, ~dash, iyaan neko~, bitch you so kawaii~, boobphobia does not pay
pimpcoatbankai Jul 14, 2010 10:42
pure and maidenly, ~koi, ~kagerou, ~boss, oh god why, ~kazahana, ~lea, this is humiliating, what is this fuckery?, in the name of the moon betch, weird things afoot, ~lin
pimpcoatbankai Dec 06, 2009 00:41
pure and maidenly, virgins get unicorns, ~apple, ~koi, ~blood, ~fred, ~night, ~kazahana, what is this fuckery?, virgin for life, ~bastet, ~dash, boobphobia does not pay